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Create ECS Cluster

STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
REGION="<region code>"

### ECS Cluster Configuration - General
ClusterName=""                              # [REQUIRED] The name of ECS cluster.

### ECS Cluster Configuration - Container Insights
ContainerInsights="enabled"                 # `enabled`(default) of `disabled` | [optional] Enable of disable ECS cluster's container insights.

### ECS Cluster Configuration - Alarm
EnableClusterAlarms="true"                  # `true`(default) of `false` | [optional] Enable of disable to create ECS cluster's alarms.
CpuUtilizationAlarmName=""                  # [optional] The name of CpuUtilizationAlarm.
MemoryUtilizationAlarmName=""               # [optional] The name of MemoryUtilizationAlarm.
CpuUtilizationThreshold="70"                # [optional] The number of CPUUtilization threshold. Default is 70(%).
MemoryUtilizationThreshold="70"             # [optional] The number of MemoryUtilization threshold. Default is 70(%).

### ECS Capacity Provider Configuration - EC2
EnableEc2CapacityProvider="false"           # `true`(default) of `false` | [REQUIRED] Enable or disable EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2VpcId=""                                 # [REQUIRED] The VPC id of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2securityGroupName=""                     # [REQUIRED] The security group name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
BastionSecurityGroupForEc2=""               # [optional] The security group id of bastion security group.
Ec2RoleName=""                              # [REQUIRED] The name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
EC2InstanceName=""                          # [REQUIRED] The instance name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2LaunchTemplateName=""                    # [optional] The launch template name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2InstanceArchitecture=""                  # `x86-64` of `arm64` | [REQUIRED] The instance architecture of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2InstanceOs=""                            # `amazonlinux2` of `bottlerocket` | [REQUIRED] The instance os of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2InstanceType=""                          # [REQUIRED] The instance type of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2KeyName=""                               # [optional] The key pair name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2SshPort="22"                             # [optional] The SSH port number of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2AutoScalingGroupName=""                  # [optional] The auto scaling group name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
Ec2AutoScalingDesiredSize="2"               # [REQUIRED] The desired size of EC2 AutoScaling Group.
Ec2AutoScalingMinSize="2"                   # [REQUIRED] The min size of EC2 AutoScaling Group.
Ec2AutoScalingMaxSize="10"                  # [REQUIRED] The max size of EC2 AutoScaling Group.
Ec2AutoScalingSubnetIds=""                  # [REQUIRED] The subnet id list of EC2 AutoScaling Group.

### ECS Capacity Provider Configuration - Fargate
EnableFargateCapacityProvider="false"       # `false`(default) of `true` | [REQUIRED] Enable or disable Fargate capacity provider for ECS cluster.

curl -LO

aws cloudformation deploy \
    --stack-name $STACK_NAME \
    --template-file ./cluster.yaml \
    --parameter-overrides \
        ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME \
        ClusterName=$ClusterName \
        ContainerInsights=$ContainerInsights \
        EnableClusterAlarms=$EnableClusterAlarms \
        CpuUtilizationAlarmName=$CpuUtilizationAlarmName \
        MemoryUtilizationAlarmName=$MemoryUtilizationAlarmName \
        CpuUtilizationThreshold=$CpuUtilizationThreshold \
        MemoryUtilizationThreshold=$MemoryUtilizationThreshold \
        EnableEc2CapacityProvider=$EnableEc2CapacityProvider \
        Ec2VpcId=$Ec2VpcId \
        Ec2securityGroupName=$Ec2securityGroupName \
        BastionSecurityGroupForEc2=$BastionSecurityGroupForEc2 \
        Ec2RoleName=$Ec2RoleName \
        EC2InstanceName=$EC2InstanceName \
        Ec2LaunchTemplateName=$Ec2LaunchTemplateName \
        Ec2InstanceArchitecture=$Ec2InstanceArchitecture \
        Ec2InstanceOs=$Ec2InstanceOs \
        Ec2InstanceType=$Ec2InstanceType \
        Ec2KeyName=$Ec2KeyName \
        Ec2SshPort=$Ec2SshPort \
        Ec2AutoScalingGroupName=$Ec2AutoScalingGroupName \
        Ec2AutoScalingDesiredSize=$Ec2AutoScalingDesiredSize \
        Ec2AutoScalingMinSize=$Ec2AutoScalingMinSize \
        Ec2AutoScalingMaxSize=$Ec2AutoScalingMaxSize \
        Ec2AutoScalingSubnetIds=$Ec2AutoScalingSubnetIds \
        EnableFargateCapacityProvider=$EnableFargateCapacityProvider \
    --tags project=$PROJECT_NAME \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --disable-rollback \
    --region $REGION
$STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
$PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
$REGION="<region code>"

### ECS Cluster Configuration - General
$ClusterName=""                             # [REQUIRED] The name of ECS cluster.

### ECS Cluster Configuration - Container Insights
$ContainerInsights="enabled"                # `enabled`(default) of `disabled` | [optional] Enable of disable ECS cluster's container insights.

### ECS Cluster Configuration - Alarm
$EnableClusterAlarms="true"                 # `true`(default) of `false` | [optional] Enable of disable to create ECS cluster's alarms.
$CpuUtilizationAlarmName=""                 # [optional] The name of CpuUtilizationAlarm.
$MemoryUtilizationAlarmName=""              # [optional] The name of MemoryUtilizationAlarm.
$CpuUtilizationThreshold="70"               # [optional] The number of CPUUtilization threshold. Default is 70(%).
$MemoryUtilizationThreshold="70"            # [optional] The number of MemoryUtilization threshold. Default is 70(%).

### ECS Capacity Provider Configuration - EC2
$EnableEc2CapacityProvider="false"          # `true`(default) of `false` | [REQUIRED] Enable or disable EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2VpcId=""                                # [REQUIRED] The VPC id of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2securityGroupName=""                    # [REQUIRED] The security group name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$BastionSecurityGroupForEc2=""              # [optional] The security group id of bastion security group.
$Ec2RoleName=""                             # [REQUIRED] The name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$EC2InstanceName=""                         # [REQUIRED] The instance name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2LaunchTemplateName=""                   # [optional] The launch template name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2InstanceArchitecture=""                 # `x86-64` of `arm64` | [REQUIRED] The instance architecture of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2InstanceOs=""                           # `amazonlinux2` of `bottlerocket` | [REQUIRED] The instance os of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2InstanceType=""                         # [REQUIRED] The instance type of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2KeyName=""                              # [optional] The key pair name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2SshPort="22"                            # [optional] The SSH port number of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2AutoScalingGroupName=""                 # [optional] The auto scaling group name of EC2 capacity provider for ECS cluster.
$Ec2AutoScalingDesiredSize="2"              # [REQUIRED] The desired size of EC2 AutoScaling Group.
$Ec2AutoScalingMinSize="2"                  # [REQUIRED] The min size of EC2 AutoScaling Group.
$Ec2AutoScalingMaxSize="10"                 # [REQUIRED] The max size of EC2 AutoScaling Group.
$Ec2AutoScalingSubnetIds=""                 # [REQUIRED] The subnet id list of EC2 AutoScaling Group.

### ECS Capacity Provider Configuration - Fargate
$EnableFargateCapacityProvider="false"      # `false`(default) of `true` | [REQUIRED] Enable or disable Fargate capacity provider for ECS cluster.

curl.exe -LO

aws cloudformation deploy `
    --stack-name $STACK_NAME `
    --template-file ./cluster.yaml `
    --parameter-overrides `
        ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME `
        ClusterName=$ClusterName `
        ContainerInsights=$ContainerInsights `
        EnableClusterAlarms=$EnableClusterAlarms `
        CpuUtilizationAlarmName=$CpuUtilizationAlarmName `
        MemoryUtilizationAlarmName=$MemoryUtilizationAlarmName `
        CpuUtilizationThreshold=$CpuUtilizationThreshold `
        MemoryUtilizationThreshold=$MemoryUtilizationThreshold `
        EnableEc2CapacityProvider=$EnableEc2CapacityProvider `
        Ec2VpcId=$Ec2VpcId `
        Ec2securityGroupName=$Ec2securityGroupName `
        BastionSecurityGroupForEc2=$BastionSecurityGroupForEc2 `
        Ec2RoleName=$Ec2RoleName `
        EC2InstanceName=$EC2InstanceName `
        Ec2LaunchTemplateName=$Ec2LaunchTemplateName `
        Ec2InstanceArchitecture=$Ec2InstanceArchitecture `
        Ec2InstanceOs=$Ec2InstanceOs `
        Ec2InstanceType=$Ec2InstanceType `
        Ec2KeyName=$Ec2KeyName `
        Ec2SshPort=$Ec2SshPort `
        Ec2AutoScalingGroupName=$Ec2AutoScalingGroupName `
        Ec2AutoScalingDesiredSize=$Ec2AutoScalingDesiredSize `
        Ec2AutoScalingMinSize=$Ec2AutoScalingMinSize `
        Ec2AutoScalingMaxSize=$Ec2AutoScalingMaxSize `
        Ec2AutoScalingSubnetIds=$Ec2AutoScalingSubnetIds `
        EnableFargateCapacityProvider=$EnableFargateCapacityProvider `
    --tags project=$PROJECT_NAME `
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM `
    --disable-rollback `
    --region $REGION