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Create ECS Service

STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
REGION="<region code>"

### Service Configuration - General
ClusterName=""              # [REQUIRED] The name of ECS cluster.
ServiceName=""              # [REQUIRED] The name of this service.
CapacityProviderName=""     # `FARGATE` or capacity provider name | [REQUIRED] The name of capacity provider.
DesiredCount=""             # [REQUIRED] The number of task in service.
TaskDefinition=""           # [REQUIRED] The family and revision (family:revision).
DeploymentType="ECS"        # `ECS`(default) or `CODE_DEPLOY` | [REQUIRED] The type of service's deployment type.

### Service Configuration - Load Balancer
ContainerName=""            # [REQUIRED] The name of the container to associate with the laod balancer.
ContainerPort=""            # [REQUIRED] The port on the container to associate with the load balancer.
TargetGroupArn=""           # [REQUIRED] The ARN of the ALB target group.

### Service Configuration - Network
SecurityGroups=""           # [REQUIRED] The IDs of the security groups associated with the service.
Subnets=""                  # [REQUIRED] The IDs of the subents associated with the service.

### Service Configuration - Service Discovery
CloudMapServiceId=""        # [optional] The ID of Cloud Map service for service discovery in ECS.

curl -LO

aws cloudformation deploy \
    --stack-name $STACK_NAME \
    --template-file ./service.yaml \
    --parameter-overrides \
        ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME \
        ClusterName=$ClusterName \
        ServiceName=$ServiceName \
        CapacityProviderName=$CapacityProviderName \
        DesiredCount=$DesiredCount \
        TaskDefinition=$TaskDefinition \
        DeploymentType=$DeploymentType \
        ContainerName=$ContainerName \
        ContainerPort=$ContainerPort \
        TargetGroupArn=$TargetGroupArn \
        SecurityGroups=$SecurityGroups \
        Subnets=$Subnets \
        CloudMapServiceId=$CloudMapServiceId \
    --tags project=$PROJECT_NAME \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --disable-rollback \
    --region $REGION
$STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
$PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
$REGION="<region code>"

### Service Configuration - General
$ClusterName=""             # [REQUIRED] The name of ECS cluster.
$ServiceName=""             # [REQUIRED] The name of this service.
$CapacityProviderName=""    # `FARGATE` or capacity provider name | [REQUIRED] The name of capacity provider.
$DesiredCount=""            # [REQUIRED] The number of task in service.
$TaskDefinition=""          # [REQUIRED] The family and revision (family:revision).
$DeploymentType="ECS"       # `ECS`(default) or `CODE_DEPLOY` | [REQUIRED] The type of service's deployment type.

### Service Configuration - Load Balancer
$ContainerName=""           # [REQUIRED] The name of the container to associate with the laod balancer.
$ContainerPort=""           # [REQUIRED] The port on the container to associate with the load balancer.
$TargetGroupArn=""          # [REQUIRED] The ARN of the ALB target group.

### Service Configuration - Network
$SecurityGroups=""          # [REQUIRED] The IDs of the security groups associated with the service.
$Subnets=""                 # [REQUIRED] The IDs of the subents associated with the service.

### Service Configuration - Service Discovery
$CloudMapServiceId=""       # [optional] The ID of Cloud Map service for service discovery in ECS.

curl.exe -LO

aws cloudformation deploy `
    --stack-name $STACK_NAME `
    --template-file ./service.yaml `
    --parameter-overrides `
        ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME `
        ClusterName=$ClusterName `
        ServiceName=$ServiceName `
        CapacityProviderName=$CapacityProviderName `
        DesiredCount=$DesiredCount `
        TaskDefinition=$TaskDefinition `
        DeploymentType=$DeploymentType `
        ContainerName=$ContainerName `
        ContainerPort=$ContainerPort `
        TargetGroupArn=$TargetGroupArn `
        SecurityGroups=$SecurityGroups `
        Subnets=$Subnets `
        CloudMapServiceId=$CloudMapServiceId `
    --tags project=$PROJECT_NAME `
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM `
    --disable-rollback `
    --region $REGION