Create a bucket for saving access logs
STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
REGION="<region code>"
### Bucket Configuration
AccessLogBucketName="" # [REQUIRED] The name of alb access log bucket.
AccessLogPrefix="" # [optional] The prefix of alb access log. It cannot start or end with `/`.
curl -LO
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file ./access-log-bucket.yaml \
--stack-name $STACK_NAME \
--parameter-overrides \
ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME \
AccessLogBucketName=$AccessLogBucketName \
AccessLogPrefix=$AccessLogPrefix \
--disable-rollback \
--tags project=$PROJECT_NAME \
--region $REGION
$STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
$PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
$REGION="<region code>"
### Bucket Configuration
$AccessLogBucketName="" # [REQUIRED] The name of alb access log bucket.
$AccessLogPrefix="" # [optional] The prefix of alb access log. It cannot start or end with `/`.
curl.exe -LO
aws cloudformation deploy `
--template-file ./access-log-bucket.yaml `
--stack-name $STACK_NAME `
--parameter-overrides `
ProjectName=$PROJECT_NAME `
AccessLogBucketName=$AccessLogBucketName `
AccessLogPrefix=$AccessLogPrefix `
--disable-rollback `
--tags project=$PROJECT_NAME `
--region $REGION