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Create a S3 Bucket

STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
REGION="<region code>"

# Bucket Configuration - General
BucketName=""                           # [REQUIRED] The name of S3 bucket.

# Bucket Configuration - Encryption
BucketEncryptionAlgorithm="aws:kms"     # `aws:kms`(default) or `AES256` | [REQUIRED] The type of S3 bucket server-side encryption.
BucketEncryptionKmsKeyId=""             # [optional] The KMS key id or arn for S3 bucket server-side encryption.

# Bucket Configuration - Logging
LoggingDestinationBucketName=""         # [optional] The log prefix of S3 bucket logging.
LoggingDestinationPrefix=""             # [optional] The log prefix of S3 bucket logging.

curl -LO

aws cloudformation deploy \
    --template-file ./bucket.yaml \
    --stack-name $STACK_NAME \
    --parameter-overrides \
        ProjectName=$ProjectName \
        BucketName=$BucketName \
        BucketEncryptionAlgorithm=$BucketEncryptionAlgorithm \
        BucketEncryptionKmsKeyId=$BucketEncryptionKmsKeyId \
        LoggingDestinationBucketName=$LoggingDestinationBucketName \
        LoggingDestinationPrefix=$LoggingDestinationPrefix \
    --disable-rollback \
    --tags project=$PROJECT_NAME \
    --region $REGION
$STACK_NAME="<stack name>"
$PROJECT_NAME="<project name>"
$REGION="<region code>"

# Bucket Configuration - General
$BucketName=""                          # [REQUIRED] The name of S3 bucket.

# Bucket Configuration - Encryption
$BucketEncryptionAlgorithm="aws:kms"    # `aws:kms`(default) or `AES256` | [REQUIRED] The type of S3 bucket server-side encryption.
$BucketEncryptionKmsKeyId=""            # [optional] The KMS key id or arn for S3 bucket server-side encryption.

# Bucket Configuration - Logging
$LoggingDestinationBucketName=""        # [optional] The log prefix of S3 bucket logging.
$LoggingDestinationPrefix=""            # [optional] The log prefix of S3 bucket logging.

curl.exe -LO

aws cloudformation deploy `
    --template-file ./bucket.yaml `
    --stack-name $STACK_NAME `
    --parameter-overrides `
        ProjectName=$ProjectName `
        BucketName=$BucketName `
        BucketEncryptionAlgorithm=$BucketEncryptionAlgorithm `
        BucketEncryptionKmsKeyId=$BucketEncryptionKmsKeyId `
        LoggingDestinationBucketName=$LoggingDestinationBucketName `
        LoggingDestinationPrefix=$LoggingDestinationPrefix `
    --disable-rollback `
    --tags project=$PROJECT_NAME `
    --region $REGION